Work with @jewishgirlprobs

Social Media Collabs
If your brand, company, or small business is interested in collaborating on a social media promotion with @jewishgirlprobs please reach out to with details about what you’re looking to do. We’ll get back to you with our rate card, analytics and demographics!
Speaking Engagements
Aly has been involved in several speaking engagements and workshops as the admin of @jewishgirlprobs.
Topics Aly can speak about are:
Jewish humour
Jewish identity
Jewish community
Jewish youth engagement
Judaism & Gender
How current events affect Jewish content
Experiences with different sects of Judaism on the page
Personal experiences and how it connects to @jewishgirlprobs
March of the Living
Jewish youth group
Jewish Camp
Israel engagement
Marketing Roles
Current role at Snapchat/Bitmoji
Different facets of becoming a Jewish “public figure”
+ much more!
Making Memes Jewish Virtual Workshop
Aly has lead workshops on the theme of memes and Judaism for several organizations including Hillel, NFTY, Ontario Jewish Camps, and more. The interactive virtual workshop can be tailored to fit your audience and needs. It lasts about 30-45 minutes depending on engagement with time for Q&A to fill a full hour.
Please reach out at to discuss rates, timing, and topics.